Without further ado (in my elegant underlined fashion!)
5 Things I’m Passionate About
1. Running.
2. Yoga.
3. Cooking.
4. Brantley Gilbert ;)
5. Social Networks.
@Justaskinnybtch (Twitter)
Justafitbtch (Instagram)
5 things I’d Like To Do Before I Die
1. Travel.
2. Run the Boston Marathon.
3. Master a foreign language.
4. Be happy in my own skin.
5. Learn to listen more than I talk.
5 Things I Say A Lot
1. Bless your heart.
2. Are you kiddin me?
3. Ice venti soy chai tea latte
4. huh? (I even have a face that goes along with this one!)
5. Sure. Yes. Ok. (I have a hard time saying NO!)
5 Books I’ve Read Lately
1. A Walk To Remember (I know, how am I just now reading this?! Where have I been?)

2. Another Nicolas Spark book that I'm really not that into.
3. V.C. Andrews (Name? I have no idea)
4. Another V.C. Andrews book (Again, no name!)
5. 50 Shades of Grey book. (There's a big time difference from this to the V.C. Andrews book!)
5 Favorite Movies
1. Footloose (The original always!)
2. 16 Candles
3. The Lorax (Don't say anything, I know if you've seen it you sang along.)

Plus doesn't this quote just ring with so much truth?
4. Texas Chainsaw Massacre
5. Grease

5 Places I’d Love To Travel To
1. Australia
2. Greece
3. South America
4. Alaska
So question of the day: Pick one of these categories and tell me about yourself!! If you have any good reads, please tell me!
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