On another note, I can officially say I am an ex-vegan. :( I have been vegan a little over a year and sadly my body cannot handle it. Even with all the correct supplements, I have had enough medical issues. Along with my errosive gastritis (that leaves me feeling like my entire stomach is on fire all day long), I am always anemic and I lost a baby over it. As hard as I fought to live this lifestyle, it's fighting me back harder that I can withstand. So I am slowly introducing beef back into my diet. I don't know if I will ever bring pork back, I have no desire to eat pork. As for dairy, I'm still on the fence. I know how well my body works without dairy but I also know the research done on soy consumption. It feels so weird because I have fought for this cause for what seems like a long time. Although I never pushed my beliefs on others, I always stated facts and let them make the decision. But in my doctors advice, I am changing my diet. Hopefully this will help get me some nutrients in my body and make me feel like my old self. I will not be looking back on 2013 with fond memeries thats for sure. 13 was never my lucky number anyways.
Whew that was a lot to get off my chest. So I'm hoping today I can get in a few (like 4) miles if it's not hot as the devil outside. I've also been practicing yoga every night now. I love just flowing free and doing what I want. Pushing my limits (and hopefully not breaking my neck.) I want to do a free standing handstand but for now I need the wall or a helping hand. One day....that's what goals are about. Yes, I want the end reslut. But I am making sure to look at all the moments in between because that my friends, is your life! Every failure and the pain is what you're going to look back on when you reach your goal (because I know you will, sooner or later, reach your goals!) Also, speaking of fitness I want to go hiking. I have recruited a friend and I think we are going. I haven't been in years and I just want to go hiking up something, reaching the top, then climbing back down! The excitement is enough to knock me over!!
Oh and I am SO SO excited for fall! I mean, more excited than a person should be for a season. But I am! I love the weather, the smell, the clothes, Thanksgiving AND of course the most important part of fall; PUMPKIN SPICE EVERYTHING! ;) I am planning in my head already the wonderful food I'm going to be cooking and the house smelling like pumpkin and cinnamon. Ahh....who else is excited for this? I mean, super-duper excited? I hope I'm not the only one who fantasizes about the things I'll do when fall gets here. Oh and the longest wait of the year will be over (FOOTBALL!!)
Ok so as you see my tangent post is complete. Well I'll post a few pictures I liked on Pinterest because....well it's my blog and I can :) I hope everyone's Tuesday is going just as fantastic as mine!!!
Enough Said!
I read this and got instant chills!
Chocolate cake into muscle? LOVE IT
My favorite quote about running: It never takes more than it gives back!
Question of the day: Pick a seaon...any season and tell me why you're so passionate about it?!
What is your favorite running quotes?
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